Sunday, February 01, 2009

James's favourite past time

James playing with his cars... he almost has the whole collection of the disney pixar car range.
This evening he lined them all up like this...
all on his own accord!

Calum's Birthday Party

James enjoying the birthday party

Hey - here he comes, down the slides. Would you believe that 5 min earlier he was afraid to come down?

James goes for a ride on the "hot air ballon" at the Play Cafe. He had 3 hours of fun, playing on the in door play area, while mom and dad had the opportunity to have a cup of coffee!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Out for a walk

James and Robert enjoying a quiet moment together on the beach.

It was a great day today, it was lovely to get out and enjoy the fresh air and some sunlight!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Off to a great start on our Scooter

We took James out for a spin on his new Thomas the Tank Engine Scooter - I wonder who enjoyed it more - James or Dad?

Friday, December 26, 2008

James helps to put the Christmas tree up

James loves helping Daddy and Mommy put the tree up

Dad and James enjoy putting Christmas presents together!

James admires his new plane.

A blast from the past

I came across this video of James and his good friend Jaceb ( Aka Bucka)

It was taken at my Birthday party earlier on this year. They continue to enjoy each other's company!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A James "car creation"

MOM - it's a Thomas the Tank engine bed!

James get's ready for a walk

Ah this is nice, a wee break out in the fresh air....

Dad we gotta go....

Robert tries to keep up with James on the move!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

James enjoying a kids party " Joe Jingles"

James feeds the ducks with Martin

James and Jaceb playing in the Garden... I have got it James

Little angels playing together

Catch me Jaceb.....

Lion goes for a ride on "Rocky, Rocky" his special Rocking Horse

James wears dad's shoes and say's " Im going to work now!"