Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Discovering Mums handbag

What do we have here?

Look at all this chick stuff!

Hey Mum your bag is interesting!

Tasty Goodies

Tasty Rattle

Tasty Fingers

Tasty Bib

Monday, August 21, 2006

Uncle Robert and Aunty Sheila come to visit

Baby James gets to meet Uncle Robert and Aunty Sheila.

I sure am popular

Aunty Sheila enjoys James

Uncle Robert admires James

Granny gives me my lunch

I like this baby rice

I am ever so hungry

Give me some more Gran!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

James has his first taste of solids

Dad gives James his first taste of solids

James thinks about taking another mouthfull

Am I meant to swollow this stuff?

Mum gives me some more solids

Dad and Me

Special moments with my Dad

James goes for a walk along the coast with Dad and Mum

My Boy

I love to sit on Dad's lap.

Can I body surf Dad?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I love Visitors

James and Elowyn playing

James and Elowyn enjoy a good laugh

Trudy comes for a visit

Trudy helps James with his daily excercise

James : some of my cutest moments

James plays in his cot bed

I love my Tigger

Arn't I a special boy?

I am a funny bunny!

I dig these shoes!

Check them out!

I love my bath time

Peek a boo

I could never be trouble!

Jaceb and James

I often meet Jaceb for lunch! Jaceb is mommy's friends baby who is a month older than me!

Mommy and my first outing was down to Aunty Kathryn and Jaceb - I was bushed when I got there!

Jaceb and I love to play

Dont we buddy?

We can just hangout here for a bit

Hey Jaceb - can you touch your toes?

Just chilling on our mat

Hey can we came down to Aunty Kathryn every week?

James visits friends in Ballycastle

Jill and James

Brian and James

Mommy and I have a good laugh