Friday, April 14, 2006

Baby Donnelly

Baby James Donnelly was born on 13th April 2006 at 13.30 GMT.

He weighed 3.4 kg or 7 lbs 8 oz.

Both Mummy and Baby are keeping well.

Just after Baby was born in the Delivery Suite.

Baby gets some sleep after the birth.

Baby rests on his Mommy.

The New Family in the Hospital Ward.

Baby sleeps in his Mommy's arms.

Baby sleeps on his Dad's tummy.


Blogger Matt said...

"Baby sleeps on his Dad's tummy"

See, all that beer drinking paid off in providing a nice snug pillow for your child!

Congratualtions guys!


3:26 AM

Blogger Lynette Wright said...

Congratulations on your lovely baby Mel. I have not seen you for years, but get new every so often from your mom. Hope you enjoyed your trip to South Africa.
Auntie Lynette

4:55 PM


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